Gambling & Betting Blog

As the wheel stops, Atlantic City’s number is up

A casino boom made the New Jersey city the gambling capital of the east coast. Now it is over By the middle of this month, Atlantic City, which started the year with 12 casinos, will be down to eight, as the lights go out over vast swathes of the resort’s famous boardwalk. At a meeting…
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April 9, 2014 1798

Betting adverts

Nothing like losing your weekly pay packet to the bookies to learn the hard lesson about gambling Sir, I started work in the early 1960s and very often on pay day had to borrow my bus fare home because I had lost my wages in the bookies that afternoon. It proved an important lesson. Rachel…
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March 18, 2014 1

Finance worker gambled £500,000 of clients’ money on bingo

A finance worker has been jailed for spending more than £500,000 of her company’s clients’ money playing online bingo. Patricia Lomas, 55, diverted cash into her own account to fund her internet gambling addiction. Jersey’s Royal Court was told that Lomas spent £759,625 on gaming websites, of which £542,610 was taken from other people’s accounts.…
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February 25, 2014 2

Ladbrokes noses ahead in tackling problem gambling

It may have fallen behind the field in the performance stakes, but Ladbrokes appears to have got a jump on its rivals on the issue of problem gambling by announcing plans to link the matter to executive pay. Responding to the move, Carl Leaver, the chief executive of Gala Coral, said: “We think it is…
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February 4, 2014 1239

Bookmakers’ relief as ministers regulate with a light touch

Bookmakers breathed a sigh of relief after new government regulations on gambling left largely untouched the way they currently operate. There will also be new powers for councils to require bookmakers to make a planning application for any new betting shops on the high street, but with limited powers to turn them down, meaning that…
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January 13, 2014 2129

Gibraltar gamblers challenge £300m Treasury tax raid

A £300 million tax raid by the Treasury on internet gambling companies could be derailed after proposals to tax and licence offshore operators received a legal challenge. The move would put a big dent in profits of companies such as William Hill, Betfair and Ladbrokes that have moved their online operations to Gibraltar to take…
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December 27, 2013 2108

How are the odds of Sic-Bo not 50% (50/50)?

I recently got into sic bo. If you are not familiar with it, here is a link. I completely do not understand how betting on one die has odds for the house (statistically, I get that realistically, it should). While doing the math, I get the odds of getting 1 die correct for example,…
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September 9, 2013 8447

Tony’s Betting Diary July 2014

JulyAnother month that looked like it was going to be very low profit month turned out ok in the end I made virtually nothing at the back end of the world cup i think it was about +£16 in total haha, nothing on the tennis and one bet on the golf (freds boost on Rory)towards the…
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July 30, 2013 53384